- Alcoholic beverages that say "Don't drink and drive"
- Cigarette boxes saying " Smoking Kills"
- Twinkies that come in 100 calorie pack and show it on their box
How does this advertising work?
This advertising informs people about the product they are buying. Specifically, it brings up details that are most attractive to them. For example, Twinkie Bites are type of candy. Candy is sugary and sugary stuff have lot of calories and make people fat. In today's society, being overweight is one of the biggest problems, whether they are health related or self-image problems. At the same time, however, people love these sugary calorie-filled foods, so the best way to balance the two aspects is to make food with not as many calories. In this case, Twinkie Bites became the smaller version of full sized Twinkies with only 100 calories instead of 146 calories in a Banana Twinkie, 150 calories in the classic Twinkie, 281 calories in a Strawberry Glazed Twinkie and 425 calories in a Fried Twinkie. In other words, Twinkies will not get limited as much because the advertising lets the specific "dieting" social group know that it is OK to still eat Twinkies.
Limitations of this advertising?
In the case of cigarettes, alcohol and other legal harmful substances loved by people, products are required by law to advertise their flaws. for example, cigarettes say that they cause lung cancer, that they kill and that they are harmful also to non smokers. These informative advertising serve to make people dislike the product and therefore they may stop buying it.
Which businesses would do this?
Food and drinks all include the informative aspect. Also, centers of education, such as zoos may advertise fun facts about animals and colleges advertise the graduation rates. Pretty much any service/ product that includes "attractive" facts will use this type of advertising.
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